Hello Robert,

Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 12:55:19 PM, you wrote:

RM> Hello zfs-discuss,

RM>   It looks like when zfs issues write cache flush commands se3510
RM>   actually honors it. I do not have right now spare se3510 to be 100%
RM>   sure but comparing nfs/zfs server with se3510 to another nfs/ufs
RM>   server with se3510 with "Periodic Cache Flush Time" set to disable
RM>   or so longer time I can see that cache utilization on nfs/ufs stays
RM>   about 48% while on nfs/zfs it's hardly reaches 20% and every few
RM>   seconds goes down to 0 (I guess every txg_time).

RM>   nfs/zfs also has worse performance than nfs/ufs.

RM>   Does anybody know how to tell se3510 not to honor write cache flush
RM>   commands?

Is there mdb hack to disable issuing write cache flushes by zfs?

It could be better than disabling it on the array itself as less scsi
commands would be send.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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