I am using Solaris Express Community build 67 installed on a 40GB harddrive 
(UFS filesystem on Solaris), dual boot with Windows XP. I have a zfsraid with 4 
samsung drives. It is a [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 1GB RAM.

When I copy a 1.3G file from ZFSpool to ZFSpool the command "time cp file 
file2" gives this output:

bash-3.00# time cp PAGEFILE.SYS pagefil3
real    0m49.719s
user    0m0.004s
sys     0m10.160s

Which gives like 26MB/sec. 

When I copy that file from ZFS to UFS I get:
real    0m35.091s
user    0m0.004s
sys     0m15.337s

Which gives 37MB/sec.

However, in each of the above scenarios, the "system monitor" shows that all 
RAM is used up and it begins to swap (the swap uses like 40MB). My system has 
never swapped before (Windows swaps immediately upon startup, ha!). The cpu 
utilization is like 50%.

When I copy that file from UFS to UFS I get:
real    1m36.315s
user    0m0.003s
sys     0m11.327s
However, the CPU utilization is around 20% and RAM usage never exceeds 600MB - 
it doesnt use the swap.

When I copy that file from ZFS to /dev/null I get this output:
real    0m0.025s
user    0m0.002s
sys     0m0.007s
which can't be correct. Is it wrong of me to use "time cp fil fil2" when 
measuring disk performance?

I mount NTFS with packages FSWfsmisc and FSWfspart, by Moinak Ghosh (and based 
on Martin Rosenau's work and part of Moinak's BeleniX work)
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