Thanks Jim for the entertainment.  I was party to a similar mess.  My father 
owned an operated a small Electrical Supply business that I worked at since the 
age of 8. I was recently pulled into a large class-action Asbestos suit against 
the business since I was the only one still alive through the period of 
interest (1960s).

I was subject to a deposition in a room with 50+ lawyers and myself. The whole 
situation was so surreal. The questioning went something like this:

Q: Did you sell lighting fixtures with wire?
A: Yes
Q: Did it have asbestos?
A: No
Q: How can you be so sure.
A: I hung over 20,000 fixtures in the showroom over the years. In order to save 
time, I would strip the wire with my teeth. I think I'd know if they contained 
asbestos by now.
Q: You'd do what?
A: I'd strip the wire with my teeth. I can demonstrate, if you want.

I was told that I had the record for a deposition in this case, lasting almost 
4 hours. A month later I got the transcript and they actually changed my words! 
I sent back 50 pages of corrections to a 200 page document.

A year later they dropped the suit. What a total waste of human effort and 


> About 2 years ago I was able to get a little closer
> to the patent 
> litigation process,
> by way of giving a deposition in litigation that was
> filed against Sun 
> and Apple
> (and has been settled).
> Apparently, there's an entire sub-economy built on
> patent litigation 
> among the
> technology players. Suits, counter-suits,
> counter-counter-suits, etc, 
> are just
> part of every day business. And the money that gets
> poured down the drain!
> Here's an example. During my deposition, the lawyer
> questioning me opened
> a large box, and removed 3 sets of a 500+ slide deck
> created by myself and
> Richard McDougall for seminars and tutorials on
> Solaris. Each set was
> color print on heavy, glossy paper. That represented
> color printing of about
> 1600 pages total. All so the attorney could question
> me about 2 of the 
> slides.
> I almost fell off my chair....
> /jim
> Rob Windsor wrote:
> >
> un/2100-1014_3-6206194.html
> >
> > I'm curious how many of those patent filings cover
> technologies that 
> > they carried over from Auspex.
> >
> > While it is legal for them to do so, it is a bit
> shady to inherit 
> > technology (two paths; employees departing Auspex
> and the Auspex 
> > bankruptcy asset buyout), file patents against that
> technology, and then 
> > open suits against other companies based on
> (patents covering) that 
> > technology.
> >
> > (No, I'm not defending Sun in it's apparent
> patent-growling, either, it 
> > all sucks IMO.)
> >
> > Rob++
> >   
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