> No, you aren't cool, and no it isn't about zfs or
> your interest in it.  It was clear from the get-go
> that netapp was paying you to troll any discussion on
> it,

It's (quite literally) amazing how the most incompetent individuals turn out to 
be those who are the most certain of their misconceptions.  In fact, there have 
been studies done that establish this as a statistically-significant trait 
among that portion of the population - so at least you aren't alone in this 

For the record, I have no connection with NetApp, I have never had any 
connection with NetApp (save for appreciating the elegance of their products), 
they never in any way asked me to take any part in any discussion on any 
subject whatsoever (let alone offered to pay me to do so), I don't even *know* 
anyone at NetApp (at least that I'm aware of) save by professional reputation.  
In other words, you've got your head so far up your ass that you're not only 
ready to make accusations that you do not (and in fact could not) have any 
evidence to support, you're ready to make accusations that are factually flat 

Simply because an individual of your caliber apparently cannot conceive of the 
possibility that someone might take sufficient personal and professional 
interest in a topic to devote actual time and effort to attempting to cut 
through the hype that mostly well-meaning but less-than-objective and 
largely-uncritical supporters are shoveling out?  Sheesh.

> Yes, every point you've made could be refuted.

Rather than drool about it, try taking an actual shot at doing so:  though I'd 
normally consider talking with you to be a waste of my time, I'll make an 
exception in this case.  Call it a grudge match, if you want:  I *really* don't 
like the kind of incompetence that someone who behaves as you just did 
represents and also consider it something in the nature of a civic duty to 
expose if for what it is.


> I suggest getting a blog and ranting there, you have
> no audience here.

Another demonstrably incorrect statement, I'm afraid:  the contents of this 
thread make it clear that some people here, despite their preconceptions, do 
consider a detailed analysis of ZFS's relative strengths to be a fit subject 
for discussion.  And since it's only human for them to resist changing those 
preconceptions, it's hardly surprising that the discussion gets slightly heated 
at times.

Education frequently can only occur through confrontation:  existing biases 
make it difficult for milder forms to get through.  I'd like to help people 
here learn something, but I'm at least equally interested in learning things 
myself - and since there are areas in which I consider ZFS's design to be 
significantly sub-optimal, where better to test that opinion than here?

Unfortunately, so far the discussion has largely bogged down in debate over 
just how important ZFS's unique (save for WAFL) checksum protection mechanisms 
may be, and has not been very productive given the reluctance of many here to 
tackle that question quantitatively (though David eventually started to do so) 
- so there's been very little opportunity for learning on my part save for a 
few details about media-file internals.  I'm more interested in discussing 
things like whether my suggested fix for RAID-Z's poor parallel-small-access 
performance overlooked some real obstacle, or why ZFS was presented as a 
highly-scalable file system when its largest files can require up to 6 levels 
of indirect blocks (making performance for random-access operations suck and 
causing snapshot data for updated large files to balloon) and it offers no 
obvious extension path to clustered operation (a single node - especially a 
single *commodity* node of the type that ZFS otherwise favors - runs o
 ut of steam in the PB range, or even lower for some workloads, and even 
breaking control out into a separate metadata server doesn't get you that much 
farther), or whether ZFS's apparently-centralized block-allocation mechanisms 
can scale well (using preallocation to predistribute large chunks that can be 
managed independently helps, but again doesn't get you beyond the PB range at 
best), or the blind spot that some of the developers appear to have about the 
importance of on-disk contiguity for streaming access performance (128 KB 
chunks just don't cut it in terms of efficient disk utilization in parallel 
environments unless they're grouped together), or its trade-off of run-time 
performance and space use for performance when accessing snapshots (I'm 
guessing that it was more faith in the virtue of full-tree-path updating as 
compared with using a transaction log that actually caused that decision, so 
perhaps that's the real subject for discussion).

Of course, given that ZFS is what it is, there's natural tendency just to plow 
forward and not 'waste time' revisiting already-made decisions - so the people 
best able to discuss them may not want to.  But you never know unless you try.

- bill
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