On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Frank Cusack <fcus...@fcusack.com> wrote:

> if you have 100TB of data, wouldn't you have a completely redundant
> storage network -- dual FC switches on different electrical supplies,
> etc.  i've never designed or implemented a storage network before but
> such designs seem common in the literature and well supported by
> Solaris.  i have done such designs with data networks and such
> redundancy is quite common.
> i mean, that's a lot of data to go missing due to a single device
> failing -- which it will.
> not to say it's not a problem with zfs, just that in the real world,
> it should be mitigated since your storage network design would overcome
> a single failure *anyway* -- regardless of zfs.

It's hardly uncommon for an entire datacenter to go down, redundant power or
not.  When it does, if it means I have to restore hundreds of terabytes if
not petabytes from tape instead of just restoring the files that were
corrupted or running an fsck, we've got issues.

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