On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 02:00:28PM -0600, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> Ordering matters for atomic operations, and filesystems are full of
> those.

Also, note that ignoring barriers is effectively as bad as dropping
writes if there's any chance that some writes will never hit the disk
because of, say, power failures.  Imagine 100 txgs, but some writes from
the first txg never hitting the disk because the drive keeps them in the
cache without flushing them for too long, then you pull out the disk, or
power fails -- in that case not even fallback to older txgs will help
you, there'd be nothing that ZFS could do to help you.

Of course, presumably even with most lousy drives you'd still have to be
quite unlucky to lose writes written more than N txgs ago, for some
value of N.  But the point stands; what you lose will be a matter of
chance (and it could well be whole datasets) given the kinds of devices
we've been discussing.

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