On 07/04/2010 15:35, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
On Wed, 7 Apr 2010, Ragnar Sundblad wrote:

So the recommendation for zpool <19 would be *strongly* recommended. Mirror
your log device if you care about using your pool.
And the recommendation for zpool >=19 would be ... don't mirror your log
device.  If you have more than one, just add them both unmirrored.

Rather: ... >=19 would be ... if you don't mind loosing data written
the ~30 seconds before the crash, you don't have to mirror your log

It is also worth pointing out that in normal operation the slog is essentially a write-only device which is only read at boot time. The writes are assumed to work if the device claims "success". If the log device fails to read (oops!), then a mirror would be quite useful.

it is only read at boot if there are uncomitted data on it - during normal reboots zfs won't read data from slog.

Robert Milkowski

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