what I SHOULD do is unsub and quit wasting the time I could
 be spending making tracks for the people on the list that
 actually love the music and not the shitstorm surrounding

race issues will appear anywhere you let them and sometimes
 despite your wishes. i've yet to encounter race issues in
 my endevours in detroit techno, from a production and
 performance standpoint. but if I had, I surely wouldnt
 bitch about it all day and night for months on end on the
 [313] mailing list.  that is just dumb, not to mention

you're obviously arguing semantics and not looking at the
 big picture here.  

also, if Juan Atkins is such a racist guy or whatever the
 hell problem you have with him, I ask again, why are you
 taking it up on a public mailing list when you can easily
 take it up with him, in private?  not very courteous IMO.

This is my last public post on this topic. I'll spare the
 list my continued rants :)

pardon any errors, I am not proofing or spellchecking :)

-Joe DelCimmuto

you obviously didn't read all of our posts.

Nor did you read Juan's interview. I would suggest you go
 to the submerge 
site and find the interview he did with the california

This should clear some things up about the "non-existence"
 race in the music 
business and "rumors"


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