Hi Foucauld,

I have several 4D methods that generate XML filrs in n... languages. Afterwords 
I use any text editor to localize a specific XML file.

Contact me in private if you would like more information.

> On 25 Sep 2016, at 17:29, Foucauld Perotin <fp.lis...@teluric.com> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Thanks for your reply.
> Peter Bozek wrote:
>>> So, do you know some good macOS XLIFF editor, free or not? For now, people
>>> working with me are using a simple text editor (BBEdit).
>> I do not have an answer, just want to ask what's wrong with BBEdit? It has
>> nice features I found helpful - ability to collapse groups,
>> color highlighting and validity checking.
> Nothing is really wrong with BBEdit (I love it!) but for non-developper users 
> that work on translations, plain XML tagged text may not be the better 
> framework. Actually, they did not really complain, but I would prefer to 
> provide a cleaner framework for that job.
> FP
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