> Le 8 févr. 2017 à 01:44, Kirk Brooks <lists.k...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Allen,
> I'll add my voice to Keith's suggestion that you turn off all events on the
> forms (except On Load) and try working with the form. Turn on the events
> you actually need.

Yes, that's what I do too. And to avoid missing some (schematically):
  Case of
   trace  //unexpected, check or uncheck but don't let it this way
  end case

Notes: when a form is created, some events are automatically checked by 4D even 
if they are not required (at least by me). The "default" tab of the properties 
palette shows a restricted set of events, while the "detailed event" tab shows 
them all. The "magic shortcut" (cmd+clic, I do like this one!) can be use to 
uncheck all at once. 

Arnaud de Montard 

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