That's what I understand in the first place as following.

- do data entry in a form (UI in application process)
- in the form, I click a button call SAVE RECORD (in the same applicaation 
- As long as all codes in the trigger are preemptive compliant, the trigger 
would be running in preemptive mode in server.

However, Miyako San said it won't work on first reply due to UI but seems OK on 
2nd reply (because of my unclear description). Just want to confirm before I 
rewrite all trigger codes (not trivial) and move away all IP variables.

Alan Chan

4D iNug Technical <> writes:
>As I understand it, if you have a C/S, SAVE RECORD runs in its own
>preemptive thread _on server_. It does not matter if 4D process that called
>SAVE RECORD is preemptive or not. As clients does not run preemptive
>processes, the whole point seems to be moot.
>On single user, SAVE RECORD and the trigger(s) it executes runs in the same
>system thread the process that called SAVE RECORD. It means that if you
>want to save record in preemptive process, both the method that executes SAVE
>RECORD and the trigger need to be able to run preemptively. In fact, as I
>understand it, all triggers need to be able to run preemptively.
>It means that to do what you described - pass record to worker to be saved
>in preemptive thread - would make difference in single user only. But there
>you would not gain anything from calling SAVE RECORD in a worker.
>Additional messaging with another thread will rather slow the application

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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