
there was a recent fix in v16 nightly builds

ACI0098578 Duplicate CRLF despite the use of the following command 
"SMTP_SetPrefs (0;2;0)" with 0 as value for parameter "lineFeed".


which on face reads like a different issue (duplicate CRLF, as opposed to none) 
but maybe they are related.

if you have access to NBs, you might want to give it a try.

meanwhile, a lot has changed with 4D Internet Commands between 15 and v16.
you can continue to use v15 plugin with v16 (especially on Windows; on Mac you 
might need the 64-bit edition),
just because any fix for one set of users seems to break things for another.

Internet Commands is an old plugin that comes with a lot of baggage;
it has become a game of whack-a-mole (and yes, it was invented in Japan, like 
many crazy games) fixing these kinds of issues.

but I do hope engineering can get to the bottom of it and deliver a version 
that satisfies all users.

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