Chip, I think you’re probably right. I’ve worked round the problem by cutting 
out the objects, and all is now OK even compiled.

> On 26 Feb 2019, at 14:47, Chip Scheide <> wrote:
> Jeremy,
> as I am sure you know pointers in 4D have some 'quirks'.
> I suspect that you have found another.
> Chip
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 07:18:36 +0000, Jeremy Roussak via 4D_Tech wrote:
>> Kirk,
>> My apologies. I mistyped the offending lines!
>> The lines causing the error dereference the pointers. So they are
>> $to.toDate->:=$from.toDate->
>> $to.toAge->:=$from.toAge->
>> etc.
>> The curious things are that (a) the dereferenced pointers do 
>> definitely point at variables of the same type; (b) although I get an 
>> alert with the error message, the assignment does in fact work (that 
>> is, if I click “continue”, everything is exactly as it should be 
>> when the method completes).
>> I can get round the error by using pointer variables:
>> $pTo:=$to.toDate
>> $pFrom:=$from.toDate
>> $pTo->:=$pFrom->
>> which works fine. I just don’t understand the actual error message, 
>> since I’m not doing what it’s accusing me of doing.
>> Jeremy
>>> On 25 Feb 2019, at 16:47, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Jeremy,
>>> Since you are writing the data to an object what's the value of using the
>>> pointer? Why not just write the data?
>>> In fact, since TCMGetRow looks like it is simply holding the data for the
>>> transfer you could make it a loop:
>>> For($i;1;number of objects)
>>> $o["_"+string($i)]:=Object get pointer(Object named;$root+string($i))->
>>> End for
>>> This way you don't need to care about the data type assuming the 2 objects
>>> actually have the same typed objects for each index.
>>> But to specifically answer your question I would take a look at the way the
>>> date value is stored in your object and then how you reference it. There's
>>> another post about dates and objects that sounds on point with what you are
>>> doing.
>>> On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 7:37 AM Jeremy Roussak via 4D_Tech <
>>>> wrote:
>>> -- 
>>> Kirk Brooks
>>> San Francisco, CA
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