Hi Chip,

> On Feb 28, 2019, at 9:12 AM, Chip Scheide <4d_o...@pghrepository.org> wrote:
> I see the issue -- The time array is NOT an array of Time
> using v13 (no Time array)
> so I had to use a longint array, or a time variable which points out 
> the problem.

Version 13 is long dead and this has nothing to do with any version before 
ARRAY TIME was added. The problem is simple enough to work around, but the 
point of my post and (and Jeremy's) is that type handling and pointer 
dereferencing should be consistent and handled correctly by 4D. And the results 
between interpreted and compiled should be consistent unless it is documented 
not to be.

> I believe it is:
> Even though there is a TIME ARRAY() command, the underlying array is 
> not actually time but longint.

But the code works as expected in interpreted mode. So 4D knows it is a time 
array in interpreted mode, but not compiled mode?

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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