> It is what it is. Not worth spending your time learning the
> details of email related RFCs and how they are used & misused.
> Instead write a nice useful 9p filesystem!

I could not agree more.  But I've caught up with RFC 5322 recently: my
current project (I am getting paid a nominal amount to indulge in it)
involves using multiple SPAM reports to name and shame spammers
operating in contravention of South African legislation.  Go provides
an amnazing platform to develop in and I have developed my share of
tools to analyse email messages for this.  After my first serious
refactoring (I'm learning, but at my age it takes a bit longer) I'll
be happy to release the code.  Anybody who wants to look at it now can
do so, but will need to suffer the indignities of CVS without
anonymous access (just ask me for a login account - it's on a NetBSD

I'm writing this in knee-jerk reaction to your suggestion, so let me
first thank you for taking the trouble.  I'd be very happy to
reconstruct upas (and Erik's nupas, which I have ignored against my
better judgement) as a Go application to do things more sensibly, but
I think I'd firsl like to poll the community for ideas.

If I discover anything interesting by inpecting the mkessage headers
(thanks, once again), I will report about it here.


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