On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 8:13 AM, Mart Zirnask <martzirn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm a part-time writer and radio producer with no CS background, so I
> even use this machine for producing 1-hour radio shows for Estonian
> Public Broadcasting. (Thank you, Non Daw!: http://non.tuxfamily.org).
> I just love the "zen" of sam (and, occasionally, Acme) as a writing
> tool. Also, the idea of "everything is a file" kind of grows on you,
> intellectually.

I'm a philosopher and use sam and acme every day to write papers
in LaTeX.

With his KerTeX project, Thierry Laronde has done, and is doing, great
work for TeX on Plan 9.
It would be great to have LuaTeX as well.

I also use p9p and its rio on FreeBSD.


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