On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 04:12:38PM +0000, John Chambers wrote:
> Richard Robinson writes:
> | > The only solution would be to write this:
> | >   K:Ephr^G
> |
> | Or K:E=f=c^G=d  ? Longer, but maybe clearer.
> Actually, I do include accidentals with this scale at times. The main
> reason is that with:

Oh, dear, confusing. I'm sorry, I meant on the opposite assumption, that
that implied Emajor.

> K:E=F^G
> This is *really* obvious that there's something "funny" going on.   I
> do like the look of this one.  It's so blatantly non-classical.

Cor. yes, it's definitely eye catching.

> Anyway, the best way to approach this is probably  to  treat  bo  the
> mode  and  any  explicit  accidentals as giving the key signature, so
> major should not be assumed.  You only assume major if  there  is  no
> key-signature information at all.

This seems both expressive and comprehensible, and retains backwards
compatability as well.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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