Jack Campin comments:
| X:0
| T:Dalnahassaig
| Z:Jack Campin <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/> version 1.0 September 2001
| C:Pipe Major George S. McLennan
| S:Gordon Highlanders Pipe Music Collection volume I
| B:NLS Mus.D.s.19
| R:Strathspey
| M:C
| K:Hp
| % No tune body - index entry
| which, under John's proposal, would get an entry "TZCSBRMK*" in the
| Tune Finder.
| If John's software can identify bodiless tunes without any special
| signalling, maybe no ABC notation is needed for it; but it still
| seems to me that it would be a good idea to signal which tunes are
| *meant* to be that way, to distinguish bibliographies or works in
| progress from the results of communication/conversion foulups. A
| single barline, as Phil suggests, is something that couldn't easily
| comprise a complete tune body by accident, so it could be used for
| such a convention if everybody agreed on it.

I'd agree, except that I don't think the single bar line idea is  the
best. The reason is that it's already useful for a different purpose.
I've used this to get abc2ps to output a blank staff or three.  Thus,
I could write the above tune as:

Z:Jack Campin <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/> version 1.0 September 2001
C:Pipe Major George S. McLennan
S:Gordon Highlanders Pipe Music Collection volume I
B:NLS Mus.D.s.19

This would give me a  printout  that  has  four  blank  staves.   The
original  abc2ps  has  a  minor  bug that makes the last one slightly
short, but that doesn't matter for my purpose.   The  purpose  is  to
produce  a  sheet of paper that I can write on.  I also use this same
trick occasionally to add blank staves to a tune.  Sometimes  I  make
every other staff blank, sometimes I put them all at the bottom.

I'd suggest that the above "% No tune body - index entry" line  is  a
better  model for this sort of info.  But I'd make it "%% No tune", a
fixed string that software could look for. The rest of the line would
be treated as comment, of course, so you could include an explanation
as in this example.

I  have  one  tune  that  has  no  notes,  but  has an N: header line
explaining that the copyright holder told me I didn't have permission
to  put  it  online.   If  we agree on the "%% No Tune" idea, I could
easily add the line:

%% No tune - copyright holder denied permission.

I'd be tempted to have the Tune Finder recognize this and  append  it
(in  parens) to the title.  It'd be easy enough to do.  But I'd still
predict that only a few conscientious users (like Jack ;-) would ever
use it.

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