If you believe that role="form" has no semantic value other than being a landmark, then let's go ahead and map it to IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK. On the other hand, the HTML form tag *does* have semantic value other than being a landmark, so I'd argue it should be IA2_ROLE_FORM.

On 24/08/2016 5:22 AM, Rich Schwerdtfeger wrote:
We are not asking that IA2_ROLE_FORM be deprecated altogether. Even with ARIA we have some attributes that re deprecated but that is meant so that there will be a replacement solution. An example is the drag and drop aria properties. For ARIA browser conformance testing to exit Candidate Recommendation we will be testing for IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK on form roles.

Rich Schwerdtfeger

On Aug 18, 2016, at 9:56 PM, James Teh <ja...@nvaccess.org <mailto:ja...@nvaccess.org>> wrote:

On 11/08/2016 2:58 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
1) adding IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK and

2) deprecating IA2_ROLE_FORM?
I'd argue that there is more semantic value in a "form" than just the fact that it is a landmark. This probably doesn't apply to ARIA (at least for now), since role="form" is defined as only a landmark. However, I'd argue it does apply to the HTML form tag. So, I'm fine t not use IA2_ROLE_FORM for ARIA role="form", but I'm dubious about deprecating it altogether, including for the HTML form tag.

James Teh
Executive Director, NV Access Limited
Ph +61 7 3149 3306
www.nvaccess.org <http://www.nvaccess.org>
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NVAccess
Twitter: @NVAccess
SIP: ja...@nvaccess.org

James Teh
Executive Director, NV Access Limited
Ph +61 7 3149 3306
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NVAccess
Twitter: @NVAccess
SIP: ja...@nvaccess.org

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