
Thanks for the reply, but I'm still confused, and concerned.

I tried using the exclusions, and it results in excluding all of that
artifact, including the version that I DO want.  But then doesn't
exclude the related dependencies, such as *-aop, *-support, *-beans,
*-webmvc, etc.  Surely, I shouldn't have to explicitly state all of the
artifacts that I DON'T want included...

<dependencies filesetId="maven.dependencies">
        <dependency groupId="org.acegisecurity"
artifactId="acegi-security-resin" version="1.0.3">
                <exclusion groupId="com.caucho" artifactId="resin"/>
                <exclusion groupId="org.springframework" artifactId="spring"/>
        <dependency groupId="org.springframework" artifactId="spring"
        <dependency groupId="org.springframework" artifactId="spring-mock"

I would bring this up with Maven, because I don't feel like this is the
way Maven should be behaving, but of all the artifacts I'm including, I
only have a problem with Acegi.  It seems as though, that either the
Acegi or Spring POM itself is missing some "scope" or "optional"
parameters (shouldn't resin be "optional" for acegi-security-resin?), or
Maven is fundamentally flawed, because I don't actually need all of
these dependencies for my project, particularly of a specific version.

In fact, in my previous situation (before specifying the exclusions),
Maven was actually downloading both version 1.2.8 and 2.0.2, so simply
including the additional dependencies didn't eliminate the 1.2.8
dependency (even though Maven claims it should).

Perhaps, I'm doing something wrong in my config, I just can't seem to
find it.  (remember, I'm using Maven For Ant, not Maven directly).

Thanks again,


> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 17:07:16 -0800
> From: "Carlos Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] Maven2 POM for Acegi-Security
> To:
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> You need to use exclusions
> Acegi is built on top of that dependencies you got, everything is
> correct. You can change the versions by adding the dependencies to
> your pom.

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