> On 2/16/07, Kyle Mallory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Carlos,
> >
> > > exclusions are for things you DON'T want. If you exclude a dependency,
> > > that one and all its children will be excluded, so you don't need to
> > > go one by one
> > > if you want a different version you have to explicitly add that as a
> > > dependency and maven will use YOUR version instead of the one that
> > > acegi uses
> >
> > That it not what is happening.  If I specify two separate dependencies
> > for Spring-2.0.2, and Acegi-Security-1.0.3, I get BOTH Spring 2.0.2 AND
> > Spring 1.2.8, as well as all of the 1.2.8 submodules.
> sorry, but i have to say here that you are wrong. That doesn't happen
> as you say, if you post the output of mvn -X compile i'll point you
> what you're doing wrong
Before saying Kyle is wrong you probably had better to test it...
Give a try the following POM:



Just do a 'mvn package' - of course Maven will complain because the WAR
structure is incorrect but you will get the resolved libraries in the
target/test-1.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib. Have a look and you will notice some
1.2.8 Spring libraries are included.

The reason is quite straightforward if you know how Maven resolves
transitive dependencies... and if you look at the Acegi parent pom.


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