On 9 August 2016 at 02:53, Richard Barnes <r...@ipv.sx> wrote:
> Again, I'm not totally convinced that semantic mismatches are that big a
> deal.  The "url" parameter already scopes the signed object to a specific
> resource, so the only risk would be if that specific resource accepts
> different object formats that are confusable with one another.  You need
> some signal to disambiguate, but it's not clear to me that having one big
> version is the best solution.

Let's not overwork this one, I don't care that much either way on this
point.  The suggestion seemed to have a low complexity cost for some
gain.  That cost doesn't seem to be as low as first expected
(surprise!).  Thus, I'm not willing to spend too much extra effort to
keep this.

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