I'm seeing even more errors with MySQL. A lot of them look like this:

Mysql::Error: #42000The used command is not allowed with this MySQL
version: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE './test/output/scd_test_type_2.txt'

What are the errors you are seeing when you run against MySQL?


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Darin Wilson
> I just pulled the latest from your github repo and ran the ETL test suite
> locally against MySQL. I got 10 errors that were about SCDs, so I'm assuming
> those were the same ones you mentioned in your last message(?).
> There was one other error:
>  1) Failure:
> test_bulk_import_with_empties(ProcessorTest) [./test/processor_test.rb:19]:
> <ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid> exception expected but none was thrown.
> It turns out that MySQL is much less strict about what goes into the bulk
> loader - if you try to load a row with an empty value into a column that
> disallows null, MySQL just skips it without an error. Nice! :)
> I'm not sure how you'd like to handle that. I tried poking around a bit to
> see if there's a way to force MySQL into being more strict, but I couldn't
> get anything to work reliably. The simplest fix would be to do something
> like this in the test:
>    unless ETL::Engine.connection(:data_warehouse).class ==
> ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter
>      assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) {
> do_bulk_import('bulk_import_with_empties.txt') }
>    end
> which sort of invalidates the test, but it doesn't seem like there's a way
> to make this test actually work with MySQL. Your call. ;)
> Darin
>> From: Anthony Eden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 15:23:04 -0400
>> To: Darin Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc: <activewarehouse-discuss@rubyforge.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Activewarehouse-discuss] would the real codebase please stand
>> up? :)
>> I think I have most of the fixes to ETL in for the 2.1 changes. I've
>> started changing over some of the tests to use shoulda 1.x, so if you
>> want to run the built in tests then you'll need the shoulda gem. There
>> are currently two failing tests related to the SCD implementation.
>> Jacob, was that an area you worked on? If so could you take a look at
>> the failing tests? Also, I currently have tested with Postgres locally
>> but not MySQL, so if someone wants to fight through the test suite on
>> MySQL, be my guest. :-)
>> Thanks.
>> -Anthony
>> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Darin Wilson
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Cool - that is what I was going to start working on. :)
>>> Please let us know when your 2.1 fixes to ETL are checked in - I'd like to
>>> try it out with our ETL (and I have a bunch of test cases for it).
>>> Thanks!
>>> Darin
>>>> From: Anthony Eden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 06:59:41 -0400
>>>> To: Marty Haught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Cc: <activewarehouse-discuss@rubyforge.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Activewarehouse-discuss] would the real codebase please stand
>>>> up? :)
>>>> I've started the upgrade to 2.1. I've already modified ActiveWarehouse
>>>> ETL to handle the new migration process and I have it running right
>>>> now under 2.1. Once I get past my first ETL load on the project I'm
>>>> working on I'll move onto the AW plugin.
>>>> -Anthony
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