Good afternoon!

Here at Ohio State, we're currently revising our Affirmative Action, Equal 
Employment Opportunity, & Non-Discrimination Harassment policy. To provide some 
context around our questions, we have a stand-alone Sexual Misconduct policy 
addressing sex- and gender-based harassment (not discrimination). Our 
non-discrimination notice is also a stand-alone document (it is not a 
university policy, though it is an associated document to multiple university 
policies). Additionally, our current AA/EE/NDH policy does not address 
student-to-student behavior; that is addressed in our Code of Student Conduct 
if the behavior rises to the level of a) endangering health and safety, b) 
disorderly or disruptive conduct, or c) riotous behavior.

We'd love if you'd share any advice, your current policies, or your thoughts on 
the following:

*         Do you combine your policies addressing Affirmative Action & Equal 
Employment Opportunity and those addressing Non-Discrimination/Harassment, or 
do you separate them?

*         Do you address sex- and gender-based discrimination in an overarching 
anti-discrimination/harassment policy or are those protected classes addressed 

*         Do you address student-to-student harassment via policy?  If you do, 
is this in conjunction with policy relevant to faculty and/or staff?

Thanks in advance,

[The Ohio State University]
Krystyne Savarese
Policy and Training Director
Office of University Compliance and Integrity
1534 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43201-2190
614-292-8728 Office<> *<>

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