Do the statistics for the archive that are "low" indicate any failures? The
COPYGROUP that we have in place for our ARCHIVE management classes specify a
"copy serialization" of SHARED STATIC, implying that if files change during
the archive attempt, they should be skipped. (The number of attempts is
determined by the CHANGINGRETRIES client option.) If you see a nonzero value
for the number of failures, this may be the source of the discrepancy when
the total byte count is "lower".  Maybe it isn't the cause, but it is
something else to look for.


> ----------
> From:         Bill Wheeler[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
> Sent:         Monday, July 16, 2001 1:12 PM
> Subject:      Re: Archive Question
> The information that we are archiving consists of two repositories, DB2
> backups and backup of our Pro/I information.
> The information should not change as much as it is.   The repositories
> grow
> daily, and the other backups are consistence on a nightly basis.  We do
> not
> use compression here, due to the information being backed up is not
> considerably large. Our archives average around 69 GB nightly.  I just
> find
> it hard how it can have a range of about 500 MB from the low end to the
> high
> end.  We use these archives as our disaster recovery, I am just perplexed
> on
> the range.  If it was a smaller amount, I would not be as concerned, but
> 500
> MB is a big difference.
> The information that use to determine how much was archived is taken from
> the Activity Log in TSM.   Should I look elsewhere to see if this
> information is incorrect?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Longo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 11:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Archive Question
> What is it you are archiving?  Are you sure that the data would
> not be less on some days?  If there are not a lot of files, then
> look at dsmsched.log on the client and see what files and sizes
> were archived.  This may show why it is less some days, or point
> to files/directories where it is less.
> (Maybe you have less data on weekends).
> David Longo
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/01 10:57AM >>>
> Hello *SMers,
>         I have a question for all those people out there that know more
> about TSM than I do.   Can someone explain to me why there would be a
> fluctuation in the amount of data backed up in an archive?   We run a
> nightly archive on our system, but the amount of GB backed up are
> different.
> I can understand if the information would just be growing but some days it
> is less than the day before.   Any explanation?
> We are running
> AIX      4.3.3
> Any information would be helpful.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bill Wheeler
> AIX Administrator
> La-Z-Boy Incorporated
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