Hi Gabor,

On Sunday 15 Aug 2010 08:33:09 Gabor Szabo wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Joel Limardo
> <joel.lima...@forwardphase.com> wrote:
> > Do we keep a list of current companies that are using Perl anywhere?  I
> > just noticed that Sony Support appears to be using Perl:
> > http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/model-home.pl?mdl=HIDC10
> There is an old and out of date list on TPF wiki
> https://www.socialtext.net/perl5/index.cgi?companies_using_perl
> but I don't think there is a real added value in such list. As Jan pointed
> out almost every company uses Perl in one form or another.
> I think it would be a better form to gather companies that support
> Perl in one form or other.
> e.g. by letting and encouraging its employers to work on perl core or
> CPAN modules
> during work hours or by sponsoring various Perl events or by
> sponsoring other aspects of the Perl community.

I agree. I think that a list of all companies that use Perl and do not admit 
that would first-of-all be a problem to compile, and secondly, may be 
defamation. I think it may be the "NASA uses Python" vs. "NASA uses COBOL" 
syndrome - NASA (or whoever) uses a lot of stuff (including COBOL and Fortran 
on old VAX machines), but is not going to boast about using, say, COBOL, 
because people hate it. 

What we can do is try to make Perl "hip" again (like Su-Shee noted in her 
post) by building a certain unique and non-defensive Perl image, that will 
make a lot of companies admit that they are using Perl.

One of the problems with Perl is that back in the old WWW fever, when early 
versions of Perl 5 were practically the only sane thing to use, people wrote a 
lot of Perl 4-like code in Perl 5 due to ignorance (I know I did.). Many of 
these ancient "CGI" scripts matured into CPAN modules or alternatively some 
popular FOSS or commercial or popular Internet-facing web-sites. However, 
those that extensively use Perl are now more well-entrenched sites like 
Amazon.com , livejournal.com , typepad , etc. which are very popular but not 
considered "web 2.0" (bleh!) or hip enough. (And based on a vague feeling, I 
think Google is starting to become well-entrenched too.). Fashions come and 
later become well-entrenched and everyone still "does" them, but no one is 
proud of it because they are no longer "hip".

If we can make Modern Perl 5 appeal again to younger audience, perhaps by 
building an elitist image of a quirky language for "rockstars" who can 
appreciate a steep learning curve, but followed by great expressivity and the 
power and robustness of CPAN afterwards, and also a vibrant community, we 
maybe can accelerate the Perl renaissance, and get more people to admit that 
they use Perl.

For a while it seems that Vim was losing esteem among the hipsters in favour 
of TextMate and similar editors, while now it may seem that it has become the 
new "it" editor among them again, so technologies *can* make a perceptive 
comeback, although many of them don't.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/

The American Lottery - all you need is a dollar and a dream. We will take the
dollar, but you can keep the dream.

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