I like sites like the beginner site you mentioned and sites like
perlmonks, but these sites all share something in common -- they are
directed at the needs of the (prospective|current) developer. In
today's businesses there are other individuals who decide upon a
language to do development -- analysts, CTOs, CEOs, etc. These people
are not interested in how elegant perl's map function is or whether
you can do obscure things with it. Their needs are pretty
straightforward like a) what types of problems is it best suited for
(think Java which consistently marketed itself as a C++ replacement
early on) b) what is it's development cycle/structure (think Apache
Foundation) c) and, as I've been saying, who is achieving/surpassing
ROI expectations by implementing in Perl as opposed to available

If you don't believe that these things are important then make a point
of going to your next company/client outing and try talking to higher
level IT decision makers. I think you will see that concerns like
these have greater precedence to them than whether CMS xyz uses Perl.
In fact, perhaps it would be best to create a questionnaire for these
folks and tabulate responses.

As developers we tend to believe that when things aren't working we
need to just do more development. This is like the horse in Animal
Farm who used to say, 'I will work harder.' it is time to look beyond
that. Don't guess at what will improve the Perl community, let's take
a step back and lend a watchful eye to what has worked for others and
what the people want.
On 3/10/11, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@iglu.org.il> wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> On Tuesday 08 Mar 2011 15:41:26 Joel Limardo wrote:
>> It is (kind of) nice to see that we have not totally dropped this
>> subject. First off, defamation is defined as making untrue statements
>> that injure someone's character or otherwise by making public facts
>> about another that, although true, are not in the public interest (for
>> example, if a person had a disease).
> Maybe. However, someone once told me after I said on a post to a public
> mailing list that someone else told me on the phone that something about his
> system was mismanaged, that spreading such rumours in public is considered
> defamation.
> Defamation or not, I think we should get Sony (or whoever)'s approval to say
> they are using Perl, whether or not they do.
>> Virtually any information that
>> can be easily obtained by the public cannot be said to be protected --
>> for instance, if your webserver returns pages that say 'made with
>> Perl' it cannot be considered defamatory to aggregate and then
>> retransmit this information to third parties. That would be as absurd
>> as suing someone for publishing a list of public accounting firms that
>> can be easily found in the phone book.
> I see.
>>      That being said, on certain way to avoid all legal challenges
>> would be, as you may have guessed, to obtain written permission
>> beforehand.
> Right.
>>      The goal of marketing is in part to create awareness. If you have
>> never heard of widget X nor of it's features and reliability you are
>> unlikely to use it. Human beings love to ride the bandwagon, so
>> sometimes telling them that their favorite sports figure drinks cherry
>> Coke before every game will boost sales. It is a bit of a crap shoot
>> to figure out what works but I can assure you that doing nothing is
>> like trying to start a car with a potato battery.
> Yes, I've discussed my approach to marketing with some people on IRC
> (including Su-Shee) and they told me we should instead work on preparing
> some
> good web-based CMSes for Perl so people can install instead of WordPress or
> possibly Drupal or whatever, because Perl 5 has very little usable things at
> the moment. Personally, I think that the advocacy I was told that the
> advocacy
> I've done on http://perl-begin.org/ is pretty good.
> Regards,
>       Shlomi Fish
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
> Rethinking CPAN - http://shlom.in/rethinking-cpan
> You can never really appreciate The Gilmore Girls until you've watched it in
> the original Klingon.
> Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - http://shlom.in/reply .


Joel Limardo
Chief Software Engineer
ForwardPhase Technologies, LLC
401 N. Michigan Avenue
Suite 1200-10
Chicago, IL 60611
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joellimardo
Twitter: http://twitter.com/joellimardo
Fax: 815-346-9495
Ph : 877-321-5467

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