Indeed, all keywords with:
also have
    adwordsType="Search Only"

I assume that is what you're looking for?

By the way, I am not sure whether adwordsType is actually a keyword
attribute. Do you know?

In fact, I haven't even succeeded in locating someone at Google
knowing anything about report field "adwordsType". It doesn't appear
to be a keyword attribute, because it is missing from the account
structure report. But it does appear in the keyword report, so I tend
to think adwordsType is an attribute of the keyword *results*. If you
know something about that field, please share.

On Jul 31, 4:42 pm, "" <> wrote:
> Hi Zweitze,
> Thanks for information.
> As I understand, "NetworkDaypart" come from search network, not from
> content?

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