I used to have back pains... walking has helped the most...I don't take
pills much .
Stretching exercises from my martial arts days help...
Actually started boxing again....
Of course Tecate helps!

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019, 10:14 AM Chuck McCown <ch...@wbmfg.com> wrote:

> Once or twice a year, I sit down wrong, or sneeze or just reach for
> something and my back will put me on the floor.  Days of almost not being
> able to walk, yelling in pain to just roll over in bed.
> Some years I take an IM torodol injection (or whatever its generic is
> called nowadays).  Or I just take huge does of Tylenol and Motrin.  I have
> tried the ice packs, hot baths, elastic belts etc.  Nothing but massive
> doses of NSAIDs seem to work and they take time.
> Have not had an MRI but the interwebs seem to think this is a very common
> thing and that I am doing what most do.
> Not sure if they sell MJ out in Wendover Nevada yet, but I am only 99
> miles away.  At least today I can walk.
> Anyone have any secret therapy's for this?
> --
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