On 9/11/20 3:26 PM, Robert Andrews wrote:
We had a customer the other day have us come out to look at his new house for a future install.   The whole house is e-glass and concrete. Interior as well as exterior walls.   New concrete is wet.  Between the concrete and the eglass he had built a wifi proof blockhouse.   I showed him how bad the attenuation was from a phone set as a hotspot to another phone in another room.   Yeah he's going to be praying at the alter of ethernet over powerlines because he put ZERO cat5 in during construction figuring he was going to mesh the whole place..   Phone in 5 Ghz there was barely a signal at all..  -85 from one room to another..  They all are experts now.  The most dangerous person in the world is someone with just a little tech knowledge...

Wow, some of the worst possible materials and wireless only? Good luck.

Sounds like back when I was working on UNR's first wifi install trying to get decent coverage in the Fleischmann Ag building. Pretty much ended up having to do an AP every other room since the walls were either concrete or dense metal lath. SEM wasn't as bad, although I did field a decent number of complaints about no signal in the Faraday cage rooms from people working on RF things who you'd think would know better but somehow wifi is magic? I was just like yeah wifi is RF too, and we can't put an AP in because this room is supposed to be an RF dead zone. Of course when they started building FA in the late 50's nobody knew wifi would be a thing, and the rooms in SEM were built to intentionally block RF.

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