There were people in Iowa without POWER for a week after that storm.  You get a 
portable generator.  Just like you get a mobile hotspot.  People are too 
demanding.  Freakin’ Karens everywhere.


The idea of bringing in a crew if possible does make sense.  Or see if adjacent 
WISPs can help out, like an old fashioned barn raising.


We’re not really answering Steve’s question, whether to have the Covid positive 
tech work.  That’s assuming he is even well enough to work.  I am not a lawyer 
and can’t really comment.  Common sense would say outdoors not near anyone else 
would be OK, but common sense doesn’t keep you from getting sued, or from 
remorse if someone actually did catch it from him.


Sounds like work that would require a second person, if only for safety.  
Steve, are you suggesting that you would take the risk and be the second person 
yourself?  Not sure that’s a reasonable risk, what if you get Covid and have to 
isolate, now the company is really screwed.



From: AF <> On Behalf Of Darin Steffl
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 8:08 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] The covid, again


That sounds far too long to restore service. Not knowing your full situation, 
they would expect service after a storm to be restored within a week max. If 
it's going over 2 months, that's dropping the ball.


Do temporary things to get them online like a COW or bucket truck with genny 
and battery power as backup. This gets over lease and power issues at least 
until the permanent setup can be built properly. 


They should be mad and looking at another provider if 2 months doesn't yield 
results. We would have lost all 80 customers after a week if we didn't fix 
service. People are very demanding with their internet now. 


On Fri, Oct 9, 2020, 12:20 AM Steve Jones < 
<> > wrote:

We lost a primary sight in July during the storms. This is a remote site 
feeding around 80 customers and has been a shitshow getting back online. They 
were patient for a bit. We've hit wall after wall, new lease delays, 5ghz 
interference, multiple licensed links, wrong equipment, new hardware failures, 
electricians running 220 to 110 circuits, contractors wife kidnapping a kid, if 
it could go wrong it did. The town has had meetings over this and we last 
promised to be production ready and problem free 2 weeks ago. At this point 
they're shopping our lease probably. We have a multi year breakout on the lease 
and can fix it, but in the interim they'll probably colocate a competitor. 
Honestly, I cant blame them.



On Thu, Oct 8, 2020, 11:54 PM Darin Steffl < 
<> > wrote:

Can you clarify what you mean by "80 customer site loss"?


Does this mean you'll miss out on potentially 80 new customers or you'll lose 
80 current customers if you don't do said work?


If it's 80 new customers waiting for service, most will wait an extra 2 weeks 
if you explain COVID has taken out a guy. Some may go with a competitor but if 
they suck, they'll be back to you eventually. We had people wait up to 5 weeks 
for an install when we were backed up from the COVID rush for service between 


On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 11:46 PM Steve Jones < 
<> > wrote:

So, I have a probable covid positive contractor. 

I know the answer here, I'm just sounding it out. 

I'm behind as fuck with this guys work. I worked with him last weekend, I've 
been sick with harvest flu since a couple days before, his daughter tested 
positive the next day, his wife and other daughter the day after that and he 
got sick wednesday. Everybody is over symptoms (wife and daughter still have no 
taste or smell, but that lasts a long time)

My harvest flu symptoms havent changed, not worried about me.


Hes wanting to catch up behind work saturday. I'm usually very risk tolerant, 
and my house has been directly exposed a ton of times, so I know it's not as 
easily spread as they say.

Its mid harvest, a farmer getting this shit right now could be devastating.


Its gonna cost us alot if he doesnt get caught up, a substantial amount. Like 
80 customer site loss substantial. We arent big, that's more than 5 percent.


My boss respects me after all these years, if I make a call, knowing the costs 
like this, he will back my call, but it burns all those years of trust.


Theres like a .0001 percent chance he would spread it, zero direct interaction. 
But hes present at grain elevators mid harvest. Grain dust will drop anything 
airborne like a rock. It takes an exposure to a high viral count to even get 


Tell me I'm wrong to push his work out another week or 2





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Darin Steffl

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