Steve mentioned licensed links.  I don’t know if that’s “building back better” 
or if they had licensed links previously.


But you’re not going to put licensed links on a flying COW.  Even temporary 
unlicensed links may need to go on a permanent structure.  The days when we’d 
feed a small site with an SM are over, and apparently this site has 80 subs.


As an indication how things have changed, when we got started in wireless, we 
gave every customer a backup dialup account.  Of course that would be useless 
today, and we got out of dialup entirely in 2009.  Even then, customers would 
drive into town to use free WiFi rather than use dialup.  They could maybe get 
80 mobile hotspots and give them out to customers, I think on a business 
account they might be genuinely unlimited.  If they use Mikrotik CPE routers, 
there are several models with LTE built in, or get some Cradlepoints.  I like 
the mobile hotspots better because they could be repurposed more easily.  Once 
upon a time I would have said WiFi only with no Ethernet is a big problem, but 
most customers these days are 100% WiFi anyway.


From: AF <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 10:14 AM
To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] The covid, again


How high do you need to be for a 3 mile cell?

I wonder about a tethered drone.  Powered from the ground.  Or perhaps a 
balloon.  Not for this instant case but for the future.  COWs that fly.  New 
company “Over the Moon”.  


From: Ken Hohhof 

Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 8:48 AM

To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] The covid, again


I think Steve said it was a grain elevator or leg that got destroyed in a 
derecho wind storm.  I seem to remember he posted some photos.  I’m not sure if 
they are deploying on a concrete silo at the same site or a different site.


We used to avoid grain legs and pay the rent to be on commercial towers, but 
everything is forcing all of us to shrink our cells from 7-10 miles once upon a 
time to more like 3 miles today, so you really can’t avoid using whatever 
structures are available unless you want to build a lot of towers.  That said, 
we are on a 400 ft commercial tower with 5 licensed links and 10 sectors.  If 
that sucker blew over, I don’t know what we’d do, there are no nearby tall 
structures, and we couldn’t bring in a 300 ft COW and put all that stuff on it. 
 Luckily the tower was reinforced to Rev. G and is unlikely to blow over, but 
stuff happens, I remember one tower fell down when a vehicle went off the road 
and snapped some guy wires.  And there was an old AT&T Long Lines tower in our 
area that blew over in a wind storm.



From: AF <> On Behalf Of Matt Hoppes
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 9:26 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] The covid, again


Or did the site actually fall over?


On Oct 9, 2020, at 10:25 AM, Matt Hoppes < 
<> > wrote:

I am just kind of curious here if you lost the site why has it been such a 
disaster getting it back on line? You couldn’t just put new equipment up?


On Oct 9, 2020, at 10:05 AM, David Milholen < 
<> > wrote:


All I can say to that situation is damn.. 

Find new people... sheesh

On 10/9/2020 12:19 AM, Steve Jones wrote:

We lost a primary sight in July during the storms. This is a remote site 
feeding around 80 customers and has been a shitshow getting back online. They 
were patient for a bit. We've hit wall after wall, new lease delays, 5ghz 
interference, multiple licensed links, wrong equipment, new hardware failures, 
electricians running 220 to 110 circuits, contractors wife kidnapping a kid, if 
it could go wrong it did. The town has had meetings over this and we last 
promised to be production ready and problem free 2 weeks ago. At this point 
they're shopping our lease probably. We have a multi year breakout on the lease 
and can fix it, but in the interim they'll probably colocate a competitor. 
Honestly, I cant blame them. 



On Thu, Oct 8, 2020, 11:54 PM Darin Steffl < 
<> > wrote:

Can you clarify what you mean by "80 customer site loss"? 


Does this mean you'll miss out on potentially 80 new customers or you'll lose 
80 current customers if you don't do said work?


If it's 80 new customers waiting for service, most will wait an extra 2 weeks 
if you explain COVID has taken out a guy. Some may go with a competitor but if 
they suck, they'll be back to you eventually. We had people wait up to 5 weeks 
for an install when we were backed up from the COVID rush for service between 


On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 11:46 PM Steve Jones < 
<> > wrote:

So, I have a probable covid positive contractor.  

I know the answer here, I'm just sounding it out. 

I'm behind as fuck with this guys work. I worked with him last weekend, I've 
been sick with harvest flu since a couple days before, his daughter tested 
positive the next day, his wife and other daughter the day after that and he 
got sick wednesday. Everybody is over symptoms (wife and daughter still have no 
taste or smell, but that lasts a long time)

My harvest flu symptoms havent changed, not worried about me.


Hes wanting to catch up behind work saturday. I'm usually very risk tolerant, 
and my house has been directly exposed a ton of times, so I know it's not as 
easily spread as they say.

Its mid harvest, a farmer getting this shit right now could be devastating.


Its gonna cost us alot if he doesnt get caught up, a substantial amount. Like 
80 customer site loss substantial. We arent big, that's more than 5 percent.


My boss respects me after all these years, if I make a call, knowing the costs 
like this, he will back my call, but it burns all those years of trust.


Theres like a .0001 percent chance he would spread it, zero direct interaction. 
But hes present at grain elevators mid harvest. Grain dust will drop anything 
airborne like a rock. It takes an exposure to a high viral count to even get 


Tell me I'm wrong to push his work out another week or 2





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