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On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Kurt Fankhauser <lists.wavel...@gmail.com>

> So I have 2% of my customer base that is running 900mhz PMP100 using 11
> different access points. I am trying to cost justify weather it is feasible
> to upgrade them to PMP450i-900mhz. I am using a lot of Omni's with the
> PMP100 so most likely I will need twice as many AP's as I currently have
> because they won't all be on the same side of the towers. So looking at
> costs I see the following:
> PMP450i AP's x 20 = $46,000
> 900mhz sectors x 20 = $6,320
> PMP450 SM x 20 = $4,784
> SM antenna x 20 = $1,424
> equipment cost total = $58,528
> plus my time of putting it all up
> I am currently grossing $934.00/month from the 2% of customers running on
> the PMP100-900mhz now.
> At this rate it would take 5 years to break even on deploying the
> 450i-900mhz and I really can't offer any better speeds with it than what I
> was able to offer with the old FSK 2.4/5ghz stuff.
> Is it just me or does this not make sense worth deploying?

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