Title: Re: [AFMUG] usage based billing

As many of you know, we were a big fan of usage based billing on our wireless system.  We even implemented on our fiber side for the last 5 years.  It is a lot of work and does not scale well as you grow.  We found ourselves spending 2-3 full days a month dealing with the usual phone calls of "How can I be using so much?", "I can't control the kids, they're on that dang internet thing all day", or "I barely even use the Internet, I'm too busy watching netflix".  We gave up at the beginning of the year.  We went with the "industry standard" of, after you get past a certain threshold, we will slow you down.  Our cheapest plan is a 10/10 that slows down to a 4/4 when they hit 40GB.  Next up is a 25/25 that slows down to 10/10 after 125GB.  We go all the way up to a 100/100.  Been doing this for 3  months now.  Customers just don't care.  I have a handful of customers on the 10/10 plan that hit the 40GB the first day.  They just keep streaming at 4M and are happy.  Don't care about the quality, just want the cheapest Internet they can get to watch TV.  Out of the 2500+ customers maybe I have had 10 ever recognize the slowdown.  The plans are setup so the next highest plan's slow speed is about the previous plan's fast speed.  The difference between all the plans is $25.  So, if someone gets slowed down and they call asking about an unlimited plan.  We tell them, they can go up to the next level for $25 and that is the equivalent of their current plan unlimited.

We track our usage using PPPoE account with mikrotik and plat.    

Best regards,

Myakka Technologies, Inc.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 11:40:47 AM, you wrote:

Anyone using usage based billing on their networks? If so what are you using?
What is good for an all mikrotik routed network?


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