On Sunday, November 10, 2019, at 12:42 PM, rouncer81 wrote:
> I MEAN-> god caused the problem he wants MAN to solve, even tho he can solve 
> his own problem he caused himself anyway.
The big bang gave us our lives, our fun moments, our suffering, and our death. 
It could have solved all our issues by spawning a utopia. But nah, it wants to 
do it the hard way, evolution.

On Thursday, November 07, 2019, at 8:19 PM, James Bowery wrote:
> Vertical transmission occurs when a parasite's evolutionary fate is tied to 
> that of its host through reproduction -- in which case it becomes a 
> "mutualist".  An example we're all familiar with is the probable coevolution 
> of wolves with Cro Magnon resulting in the mutualistic relationship between 
> what we call "humans" and "dogs":
> Babies and Puppies
> Nothing could be more lovable, eh?
> Horizontal Transmission is, by contrast, illustrated by the path-not-taken 
> with those wolves who thought "Take the baby and run and BREED!"
> The extreme form of "Take the baby and run and BREED!" is called "parasitic 
> castration" in which a parasite actually eats the genitals of its host so as 
> to divert resources to itself that would otherwise have gone to the host's 
> offspring.  The resulting evolutionary "zombie" is entirely "conscious", at 
> least in some sense.
I liked the OP explaining co-evolution, fast rape breeding, and robbing bodies. 
I mean it's the same thing in all 3 - you piggy back others (to replicate). 
Even with ideas, you do this.

I think the OP was suggesting that ASIs may co-evolve with us and they may do 
extreme things with us. If we (well, ghosts, not tin cans) really can die, they 
may trigger it. And they may not even care to avoid triggering it!

But to answer your question, 'turked humans' aren't consciousness, anymore, if 
they 'die'. And humans have died already, that's the problem, ASIs may kill a 
few more to get their ground terraformed. We can only hope re-animation of the 
dead can happen.
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