AIT restricts attention to the direct phenomenon -- the actual bits coming
into the sensors.  It assumes the most "unbiased" stance with regard to
those bits.  Any a priori interpretation of those bits, such as assuming
they're from a lossy compression mechanism -- is what phenomenologists call
"the natural attitude".  The bits aren't "bracketed" so as to
decontextualize their interpretation and thereby free the interpretation
from any biases.  This kind of thinking is necessary to science.  Because
it is not applied to the soft sciences, we are, instead treated to endless
discourse about "statistics" -- which is basically just another word for
trying to hide bias that would be disclosed by AIT.  That "discourse" is
about to erupt into bloody conflict the likes of which we haven't seen
since the Thirty Years War unless we start using every weapon in our
arsenal of rational thought to defuse this impending quai-religious

On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 8:36 AM John Rose <> wrote:

> What about this James, you're receiving a video stream over TCP, no sound,
> 30 frames per second. Even frames are lossless PNG, odd frames are lossy
> but visually lossless JPG. How is that overloading lossy and lossless? It's
> a hybrid stream. You could say there is a strict demarcation between frame
> packets. OK, modify the frames such that the lossy frames analog blend into
> and out of the PNG frames by adjusting the lossyness up to bit boundaries
> and by adding regions of increasing losslessness at the boundaries. You’d
> have to the modify the JPG code… Does that break any rules?
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