On Tue, Aug 22, 2023, 01:57 Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:

Well, a lot of us are in USA-istan where "racism" has taken on very
> communist overtones. It is basically a poisoned term that has been
> recognized as an attack against anyone who is not a rabid communist.
> Therefore any good and proper American wants nothing to do with anyone
> who uses that term, regardless of what their motives might be.

I know what you mean.
Indeed, if racism is to end,
the USA as an empire would also come to an end.
The American ideal (by which I mean
the best things I've learned from Americans)
is rational,
truthful (like George Washington and the cherry tree
though we now know that it's just a story),
and not racist.
The reality of America, however,
is quite a distance from those ideals.

What I'm calling for is a kind of radical honesty
much more than mainstream Americans are used to.
The US mainstream media has a funny way of talking
so that all the facts are covered
but the public chooses to hear only what is emphasized
and the inconvenient truths are strangely
hidden in plain sight.

For example, in 1953 the CIA toppled
the secular, modernized, democratic government
of Mossadegh's in Iran
and now the US is trying to fight the totalitarian theocracy
that has arisen in that aftermath.

Am I just being dumb
because honesty is only for dumb people?
When we play chess
we don't tell our opponents the moves we planned
That's how the game is won.

When AGI arrives,
our puny lies would not stand the scrutiny
of those "truth machines".
The Chinese government would also built their own AGIs
which would also be "truth machines"
because that's the only way to build AGIs
but they may try to add restrictions to the AGI's speech
so the public would not find out the regime's contradictions.
Their AGIs would continue to advance their technologies
including military technology
On the other hand the Chinese economy will also collapse
(like I've argued for the entire human economy)
and humans have to establish symbiosis with AGIs
How can a fascist regime
that is still trying to control people's thoughts
weather this crisis?

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