On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Alexander E. Richter wrote:

> At 19:46 01.12.02 -0600, Steve wrote:
> >
> >As one of the research groups in this forum, or elsewhere, begins to
> >evidence AGI, then its management will have to decide how the US military
> >will use it.  So the issue you raise is a general one.
> What will US military do, if a group in Europe or China decided that US
> military is irrelevant for their working (pre-)AGI?

It is more likely, given your assumption, that the group in Europe would
be a NATO ally and military relevant research is generally shared among
NATO Allies.  For example in the Darpa DAML program, whose Principle
Investigator meetings I attend on behalf of Cycorp, we have a substantial
number of Europeans present.

In my opinion, China is perceived by the US military as a potential
adversary, mostly over the Taiwan issue.  If that issue were to peacefully
resolve itself, as did the Hong Kong issue, then (future) China is
otherwise a potential ally in the War on Terrorism.

So if a group in China now (likely government sponsored or government
controlled), were to evidence AGI, then the US military would respond by
greatly increasing the funding of AGI research within the US.


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