Vision could cover many things. Two eyeballs the size of planets that only
see neutrinos could constitute a vision system. Probes that see vibrations
or heat or chemicals are vision. RADAR, LADAR, SONAR, seismic,
electromagnetic, PET scan, salinity, ph, any type of particle, energy, space
detection but then other types of vision - sociopolitical vision,

Human vision is one tiny subset of all input classes. There must be some
generalized study or science of "input". Each input class would need its own
"spatial" modeling... so you need a generalized spatial modeling abstraction
with instance constructors or adaptors.


> From: a [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:
> Are you trying to make an "intelligent" program or want to launch a
> singularity? I think you are trying to do the former, not the latter.
> I think you do not have a plan and are "thinking out loud". Chatting in
> this list is equivalent to "thinking out loud". Think it all out first,
> before chatting. I will not chat in this list anymore.
> If you want to launch a singularity, then do practical. Simply do
> vision/spatial.

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