On Feb 18, 2008 1:37 AM, Bob Mottram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a closed loop system what you have is a
> synchronisation between data streams.  In part the brain is trying to
> find the best model that it can and superimpose that onto the
> available data (hence the perception of lines which don't really
> exist), and in part the low level data helps to create and maintain
> the higher level models.

I think this is a very important perspective on what mind does. It
supports multiple *processes* that interact with each other,
communicating available data to tune each other, some of these
processes driven by perception, some of them driving action. Inference
is simply a process that is initiated by communicating 'premises' to
it and that is then able to communicate 'conclusion'. Processes are
learned to be in good correspondence with statistics of their I/O, so
when some data is missing they can fill it in (in retrospect,
'predict'). These processes are a simple resource that can be plugged
in to improve prediction (pattern-completion) performed by the rest of
the system.

Vladimir Nesov

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