--- Stan Nilsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reprogramming humans doesn't appear to be an option.

We do it all the time.  It is called "school".

Less commonly, the mentally ill are forced to take drugs or treatment "for
their own good".  Most notably, this includes drug addicts.  Also, it is
common practice to give hospital and nursing home patients tranquilizers to
make less work for the staff.

Note that the definition of "mentally ill" is subject to change.  Alan Turing
was required by court order to take female hormones to "cure" his
homosexuality, and committed suicide shortly afterwards.

> Reprogramming the 
> AGI of the future might be IF the designers build in the right 
> mechanisms for an effective oversight of the units.

We only get to program the first generation of AGI.  Programming subsequent
generations will be up to their parents.  They will be too complex for us to
do it.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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