On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:36 PM, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Note that you are trying to use a technical term in a non-technical
>  > way to "fight" a non-technical argument. Do you really think that I'm
>  > asserting that virtual environment can be *exactly* as capable as
>  > physical environment?
>  No, I think that you're asserting that the virtual environment is close
>  enough to as capable as the physical environment without spending
>  significant resources that the difference doesn't matter.  And I'm having
>  problems with the "without spending significant resources" part, not the
>  "that the difference doesn't matter" part.

I use "significant" in about the same sense as "something that
matters", so it's merely a terminological mismatch.

>  > All interesting stuff is going to be computational anyway.
>  So, since the physical world can perform interesting computation
>  automatically without any resources, why are you throwing the computational
>  aspect of the physical world away?

I only add one restriction on allowed physical structures to be
constructed for captive systems: they must be verifiably unable to
affect other computations that they are not allowed to. I'm sure that
for computational efficiency it should be a very strict limitation. So
any custom computers are allowed, as long as they can't morph into
berserker probes and the like.

>  > In most cases, computation should be
>  > implementable on universal substrate without too much overhead
>  How do we get from here to there?  Without a provable path, it's all just
>  magical hand-waving to me.  (I like it but it's ultimately an unsatifying
>  illusion)

It's an independent statement.

Vladimir Nesov

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