Until a true AGI is developed I think it will remain necessary to pay
programmers to write programs, at least some of the time.  You can't
always rely upon voluntary effort, especially when the problem you
want to solve is fairly obscure.

On 19/04/2008, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Translation: We all (me included) now accept as reasonable that in order to
>  > briefly earn a living wage, that we must develop radically new and useful
>  > technology and then just give it away.
> ...
>  > Steve Richfield
>  The above is obviously a "straw man" statement ... but I think it
>  **is** true these days that open-sourcing one's code is a viable way
>  to get one's software vision realized, and is not necessarily
>  contradictory with making a profit.
>  This doesn't mean that OSS is the only path, nor that it's necessarily
>  an easy thing to make work...
>  -- Ben
>  -------------------------------------------
>  agi
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