On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 4:06 AM, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but in this case the input to P is not (P,y), it is a self reference
> to whatever program P is running plus y.

It's irrelevant, because description of P (or Q) could've been
contained in the prefix that said "simulate this on yourself: ", and
it could've been handled by the same machinery that in my example was
printing "the output is ". The only problem is brackets, so if the
description is always [finite prefix with machine specification]+[data
parameters], it will work.

> I think you would agree that a virtual machine with n bits of memory can
> only be implemented on a machine with more than n bits of memory.

If it needs to, it can reserve a finite number of additional bits just
for this purpose.

Vladimir Nesov

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