> From: Mike Tintner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> It's actually obvious if you care to listen, that music involves a
> combination of pattern fitting/extrapolation and pattern BREAKING. The
> whole
> point of a pop song is that it involves a creative idea - a *twist* on
> existing patterns. That's why people listen - to hear something NEW and
> different as well as old and similar. Far from being dumbed down, humans
> have never been so insatiable in their demand for novelty.
> And that is an essential feature of a true AGI - not just pattern
> seeking,
> but pattern breaking. Is that in Ben's or anyone else's theory?
> What you just did is the equivalent of saying:  "all these jokes are
> about
> the same thing - changing lightbulbs".  How many mathematicians does it
> take
> to change a lightbulb? An infinite number. And they still can't get the
> joke.
> That was my first go. So I looked it up and there are a lot of versions
> -
> almost all interestingly with the same basic message:

The synchronous melodies of the crickets strumming their legs, changes
harmony as the wind moves warmthness. The reeds vibrate; the birds, fearing
the snake, break their rhythmic falsetto polyphonies and flutter away to new


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