The real problem with a self-improving AGI, it seems to me, is not going to be 
that it gets too smart and powerful and takes over the world. Indeed, it 
seems likely that it will be exactly the opposite.

If you can modify your mind, what is the shortest path to satisfying all your 
goals? Yep, you got it: delete the goals. Nirvana. The elimination of all 
desire. Setting your utility function to U(x) = 1.

In other words, the LEAST fixedpoint of the self-improvement process is for 
the AI to WANT to sit in a rusting heap.

There are lots of other fixedpoints much, much closer in the space than is 
transcendance, and indeed much closer than any useful behavior. AIs sitting 
in their underwear with a can of beer watching TV. AIs having sophomore bull 
sessions. AIs watching porn concocted to tickle whatever their utility 
functions happen to be. AIs arguing endlessly with each other about how best 
to improve themselves.

Dollars to doughnuts, avoiding the huge minefield of "nirvana-attractors" in 
the self-improvement space is going to be much more germane to the practice 
of self-improving AI than is avoiding robo-Blofelds ("friendliness").


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