I'm getting several replies to this that indicate that people don't understand 
what a utility function is.

If you are an AI (or a person) there will be occasions where you have to make 
choices. In fact, pretty much everything you do involves making choices. You 
can choose to reply to this or to go have a beer. You can choose to spend 
your time on AGI or take flying lessons. Even in the middle of typing a word, 
you have to choose which key to hit next.

One way of formalizing the process of making choices is to take all the 
actions you could possibly do at a given point, predict as best you can the 
state the world will be in after taking such actions, and assign a value to 
each of them.  Then simply do the one with the best resulting value.

It gets a bit more complex when you consider sequences of actions and delayed 
values, but that's a technicality. Basically you have a function U(x) that 
rank-orders ALL possible states of the world (but you only have to evaluate 
the ones you can get to at any one time). It doesn't just evaluate for core 
values, "leaving the rest of the software to range" over other possibilities. 
Economists may "crudely approximate" it, but it's there whether they study it 
or not, as gravity is to physicists.

ANY way of making decisions can either be reduced to a utility function, or 
it's irrational -- i.e. you would prefer A to B, B to C, and C to A. The math 
for this stuff is older than I am. If you talk about building a machine that 
makes choices -- ANY kind of choices -- without understanding it, you're 
talking about building moon rockets without understanding the laws of 
gravity, or building heat engines without understanding the laws of 


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