Terren:It's to make the larger point that we may be so immersed in our own conceptualizations of intelligence - particularly because we live in our models and draw on our own experience and introspection to elaborate them - that we may have tunnel vision about the possibilities for better or different models. Or, we may take for granted huge swaths of what makes us so smart, because it's so familiar, or below the radar of our conscious awareness, that it doesn't even occur to us to reflect on it.

No 2 is more relevant - AI-ers don't seem to introspect much. It's an irony that the way AI-ers think when creating a program bears v. little resemblance to the way programmed computers think. (Matt started to broach this when he talked a while back of computer programming as an art). But AI-ers seem to have no interest in the discrepancy - which again is ironic, because analysing it would surely help them with their programming as well as the small matter of understanding how general intelligence actually works.

In fact - I just looked - there is a longstanding field on psychology of programming. But it seems to share the deficiency of psychology and cognitive science generally which is : no study of the stream-of-conscious-thought, especially conscious problemsolving. The only AI figure I know who did take some interest here was Herbert Simon who helped establish the use of verbal protocols.

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