2008/7/2 Terren Suydam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Will,
>> My plan is go for 3) Usefulness. Cognition is useful from
>> an
>> evolutionary point of view, if we try to create systems
>> that are
>> useful in the same situations (social, building world
>> models), then we
>> might one day stumble upon cognition.
> Sure, that's a valid approach for creating something we might call 
> intelligent. My diatribe there was about human thought (the only kind we know 
> of), not cognition in general.
>> This by the way is why I don't self-organise purpose. I
>> am pretty sure
>> a specified purpose (not the same thing as a goal, at all)
>> is needed
>> for an intelligence.
>>   Will
> OK, then who or what specified the purpose of the first life forms? It's that 
> intuition of yours that leads directly to Intelligent Design. As an aside, I 
> love the irony that AI researchers who try to design intelligence are 
> unwittingly giving ammunition to Intelligent Design arguments.


Evolution! I'm not saying your way can't work, just saying why I short
cut where I do. Note a thing has a purpose if it is useful to apply
the design stance* to it. There are two things to differentiate
between, having a purpose and having some feedback of a purpose built
in to the system.

It is the second I meant, I should have been more specific. That is to
apply the intentional stance to something successfully, I think a
sense of its own purpose is needed to be embedded in that entity (this
may only be a very crude approximation to the purpose we might assign
something looking from an evolution eye view).

Also your way we will end up with entities that may not be useful to
us, which I think of as a negative for a long costly research program.

* See the wiki article for some info

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