On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 1:13 AM, Mike Archbold wrote:
> It seems to me like to be "real AGI" you have skipped over the parts of
> Aristotle more applicable to AGI, like his metaphysics and logic.  For
> example in the metaphysics he talks about beginning and end, causes,
> continuous/discrete, and this type of thing.   At first glance it looks
> like your invention starts with ethics; why not build atop a metaphysics
> base?  I'm not going to pass a judgement on your work but it seems like
> it's not going over well here with the crowd that has dealt with patent
> law.  From my perspective I guess I don't like the idea of patenting some
> automation of Aristotle unless it was in a kind of production-ready state
> (ie., beyond mere concept stage).

His invention is ethics, because that's what his field of work is.

See his list of books here:

    * A Diagnostic Classification of the Emotions : A Three-digit
Coding System for Affective Language
      by Jay D. Edwards (Illustrator), John E. Lamuth
      April 2005, Paperback      List Price: $34.95

    * Character Values : Promoting a Virtuous Lifestyle cover
Character Values : Promoting a Virtuous Lifestyle
      by Jay D. Edwards (Illustrator), John E. Lamuth (Editor)
      April 2005, Paperback      List Price: $28.95

    * Communication Breakdown : Decoding The Riddle Of Mental Illness
      by Jay D. Edwards (Introduction by), John E. Lamuth (Editor)
      June 2004, Paperback      List Price: $28.95

    * A Revolution in Family Values : Tradition Vs. Technology
      by Jay D. Edwards (Illustrator), John E. Lamuth
      April 2002, Paperback      List Price: $19.95

    * A Revolution in Family Values : Spirituality for a New Millennium
      by John E. Lamuth
      March 2001, Hardcover      List Price: $24.95

    * The Ultimate Guide to Family Values : A Grand Unified Theory of
Ethics and Morality
      by John E. Lamuth
      September 1999, Hardcover      List Price: $19.95

and his author profile here:

John E. LaMuth is a 52 year-old counselor and author, native to the
Southern California area. Credentials include a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Biological Sciences from University of California, Irvine:
followed by a Master of Science Degree in Counseling from California
State University, Fullerton; with an emphasis in Marriage, Family, and
Child Counseling. John is currently engaged in private practice in
Divorce and Family Mediation Counseling in the San Bernardino County
area - JLM Mediation Service - Lucerne Valley, CA 92356 USA. John also
serves as an Adjunct Faculty Member at Victor Valley College,
Victorville, CA.


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